Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Dear friend,

Someday you are going to go away
And I'm going to have to say goodbye
To you
My friend, To you.

Goodbye to those sweet moments
Goodbye to that laughter
To the sound of your voice
To being a part of your life

Someday you are going to start a new life
And leave behind memories of the days spent with you
Someday you are going to say "keep in touch"
Someday you are going to go away

Someday you are going to hug me
Kiss me and say b-bye
And I'm going to have to smile
And wave back at you.

And I'm going to have to say goodbye
To you
My friend, To you.

Someday you are going to call me to say you are leaving
Someday I am going to ask you where you are going
If you are going to return
And someday, I'm goin to cry

And I'm going to have to say goodbye
To you
My friend, To you.


Manish Saini said...

quiet touchy......and impressive.

P said...

its like u had ur heart in ur mouth..lovely!